Saturday, January 19, 2019

Some amazing facts about science you should know !!!

Some amazing facts about science you should know !!!

interesting facts you should know......!!!


1.) Less than 100 people in the world are known to have autobiographical memory (HSAM) a rare condition that give a person the ability to remember nearly every day of their entire life in perfect details. 

2.) If you could run at the speed of light, you could complete 7104 full marathons in one second.

3.) Scientist fix photosynthesis GLITCH in plants and boost crop growth by 40%.

4.) All of the water on earth fits into a sphere with the diameter of 1,385 kilometers.

5.) BIOLOGY tells us that you are 7% blood
     CHEMISTRY tells us that you are 65% water
     PHYSICS tells us that you are 99.999999% empty space.

6.) People notice a distinct smell in the air after it rain. That smell is caused by bacteria called actinomycetes.

7.) 99% matter is empty space. If you removed all the space within our atoms than, HUMANITY(7 BILLION PEOPLE) would fit into one sugar cube.

8.) According to the best estimate of astronomers, 275 NEW STAR are born every single day.

milky way galaxy

9.) Current estimates suggest that there are up to 400 billion stars in the milky way galaxy and up to 50 billion planets. Even if 1% of those are in their systems goldilocks zone, than there are 500 million planets in our galaxy alone capable of supporting life.

10.) 25,000,000 of your cells died while you read this sentence. it's okay though, your body made more than 300 billion today.

11.) When two black holes are about to collide, objects around them can travel backwards in time.

12.) All the blinking in one day equates to having your eyes closed for about 30 minutes.

13.) Penguins have an organ above their eye that turn saltwater into freshwater.

14.) A new study suggests that plants can actually hear themselves being eaten. 

15.) ATOMS are consist of 99.99999999% empty space.
        That means: The computer you're looking at, the chair you're sitting on ,and you yourself are               mostly not there.